To the not-Swedish readers
I've gotten messages from people outside of Sweden that was interested in buying Lastizo and found my blog. The long text below about her may be hard to translate in full - so, for the people outside of Sweden, in short:
I bought this horse in 2017, got problems in the riding very soon after bringing her home (from the first ride at home), tried working with her for a couple of months before I went to the clinic to get her checked because her behaviour worried me.
During the months before we went to the clinic I got in contact with two previous owners that told me she had been very difficult to ride all her life, "she can do anything" - that's why they sold her.

When I went to the clinic the x-rays showed abnormalities on four places in the neck and accordning to several vets these findings were pretty serious and explained the difficulties under saddle very well; the abnormalities caused some neurological errors and often cause nerve pain, either when the neck and head is in a specific position or all the time.

The seller doesn't "agree" with these findings. She considers this horse to be perfectly well.
I would never return her to the seller (after going to court) if there was nothing wrong with her.
The horse is the sweetest horse, she has a lovely character and the rare days when she was feeling good you got a taste of how great she could be. This is not a difficult or "special" horse - it's a very easygoing and willing horse that is in discomfort when training.
To me - with these findings (and problems she does show when working) it's a horse for easy trailrides, it's not a horse to train for competition.
My nightmare is that someone buys her without knowing these things about her, puts pressure on her - and then punish her for being bad, when she's just telling you she's in discomfort.